Friday, April 17, 2009

A quiet week.....that's a good thing.

Ricky had a good week, he made it to school everyday, including going to the student-teacher softball game Thursday evening. He's had very few TIAs or mini-strokes, almost no headaches or stomach problems. His appetite is still good - he had a large plate of bacon and corn for breakfast this morning.

Overall, he seems to finally be getting over a nagging cold, and the change in medication seem to be what he needed. He has more of his energy back and he's running around the house. The warmer Spring weather is helping us to see less TIAs, and be more active outside, which is good for all of us.

His blood counts were taken on Wednesday and were good, with 88K platelets, so we should be able to continue the Avastin next Wednesday. His other numbers were all stable.

Thanks for all your wonderful thoughts and prayers!

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