Saturday, April 11, 2009

Good Friday was very good

It was a long week, but god gave us a sunny Good Friday and Ricky spent the day with no signs of sickness all day. He was energetic, witty and full of himself, and he ate an amazing amount of food, starting with tacos for breakfast. His brother, Ricky and I went to lunch in Marshfield, overlooking the ocean and Ricky ate a entire blue cheese wedge salad and calamari. We went for a short hike in the woods and Ricky was actually running with Michael. Later we walked the beach, it was a glorious day. For that day, we all forgot the problems.

Wednesday we were at Dana Farber all day, Rick wasn't feeling well and we were glad to get him back for a checkup. His platelets were good at 117K, but he was anemic, so he had a red blood cell transfusion. We also reduced the dose of one of the drugs, which may have helped his overall well being. We had a couple of meetings with the doctors, as we prepare to move to the next phase of his illness, it was a sad day for us, knowing that we must prepare for what may follow.

Thanks for all your notes, prayers and kind thoughts. I know we had the angels with us yesterday. Today, he is on his way to his grand parents in Albany for Easter. God bless.

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