Friday, April 3, 2009

Friday, April 3rd

Well, we had a scary week...Ricky had a stroke Tuesday evening, which resulted in a 911 ride to Children's for scans. He stayed overnight, was feeling better Wednesday night at home but he had a 2.5 hour bloody nose Thursday morning. He was able to go to school Friday, albeit a little late. He was very happy to go, he just loves school. Plus, it's pizza day.....and the boy likes to eat.

Long meeting with the doctors while at Children's......bottom line is he is going to have more and likely more severe strokes, and we can also expect he will be experiencing the effects of the tumor growing as well. His scans showed that he's had four strokes that have left a image, the tumor areas look pretty much the same as the MRI two weeks ago. So we have pretty bleak news, between the moya moya related strokes and the growing tumor, he's not likely to make it.

We have a follow on meeting Wednesday at Dana Farber, in the meantime, he is back on the same drug therapy since his platelets are at 120K. Most likely, we will sign a DNR order.

Thanks for all the kind words and good thoughts, they make a huge difference.


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