Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Update from Dana Farber and some pictures

So we had another meeting at Dana Farber today and we are starting a new program for Ricky tomorrow morning, it's called Temsirolimus. The idea is to stop the tumor from growing. This drug has not been helpful in shrinking tumors, but we can get it now, and it has had some success.

At the last MRI, the tumor was 1/3 of an inch in size and not causing any problems so if we can stop the growth, we'll be happy. Once a week he'll get an IV and the side effects are similar to the other programs. There is another option that may open up for him in the next few weeks, but we really can't afford to wait.

About the pictures: To the right below, is Ricky going into the MRI. It's not as bad as it looks, he's wearing goggles and earphones so he can watch a DVD. The camp pictures were from last weekend in Vermont, that's Uncle Doug and Ricky checking out the under construction camp. Very cool. He had a great time. Zero issues, no TIAs, just lots of energy and laughing. The picture of him in front of the 69 Roadrunner and with his favorite kind of model (female) are from the recent World of Wheels show in Boston.

Thanks for all the good stuff being sent our way!

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