Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Update 2/11/09

Well, not so good news today, Ricky's platelets dropped to 63K from 101K before his first treatment last week. As a result, he wasn't able to get any medicine today, as there is a 75K minimum required. He's going back to Dana Farber first thing Thursday to recheck the counts. We need to know if they are dropping or going back up since we leave for Florida in the afternoon. If they are over 75K, they will give him medicine right then, if they are over 63K, but less than the required 75K then he may not need to have his counts done in Florida. If the counts are lower than 63K, we'll have to test again down there and give him platelets if needed.

I'll keep you posted. He's feeling fine, and very excited about going to Orlando!

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