Well, I finally got a SD card reader to replace the broken one on my laptop......... Rick continues to feel pretty good. He's had some TIA spells, but is going to school and enjoying life.
First picture is Ricky with Lilly, a dog that he is 1/3 owner with his grandparents. It was a brisk spring day in RI. Picture two is Ricky with Mark Porter, who raised over $22,000 for Dana
Farber running the marathon. Thanks to all who contributed! Mark is a super guy, and he brought the most amazing wood craving when we met the day before the race. It was m
ade for Ricky by nuns at a convent where Mark was working. It is titled "Guardian Angel" and you can see a close up in
picture number three. It almost brought me to tears when he gave it to Ricky.
Fourth picture is Ricky at Minot Beach in
Scituate, with Grace Kitty of course. The last picture is Ricky eating lobster
bisque, onion rings and a scallop roll with his brother Mike and me last Sunday at Brant Rock in
Marshfield. The boy continues to eat more than most adults, and he hates when I take a picture of him while he's eating.
We are back to Dana
Farber Wednesday for treatment and a check up.
Please keep the prayers and good thoughts coming!